"I am Dreaming?" Prelude into my Lucid Dreaming and your first maneuver in fighting for awareness by Kevin Wikse.
Awareness is the phenomenon and key which ignites the art of Lucid Dreaming. To become lucid is to gain spatial awareness and the ability to orient yourself to your present situation and circumstance. At face value, gaining lucidity might be of little concern to you. Likely you know where you live and can effectively navigate around your town.
However, the type of awareness I will speak about goes beyond base autonomic living and, once applied (applied even once), irreparably shatters the illusory day-to-day trance the majority of humanity, especially Americans, clumsily sleepwalk through.
Achieving lucidity while dreaming is akin to being teleported from back seat passenger to driver. An often jarring transition. The dream is no longer happening around you. Now you are happening to the dream. This particular type of psychological transition can be startling and upsetting for many. If it was possible to ask you while you are dreaming, "Are you awake, are you aware?" You might reply, "Yes." Everything seems primarily normal in a dream. Even when elements go awry, you go with it and don't question until you wake up or become lucid. Curious how you swear you are awake and actively participating in your dreams until a greater awareness, such as waking up, sets in. Now, tell me you are awake, aware, and actively participating in your life.
Are you dreaming?
Did you feel that?
The question alone caused a minor disturbance as if somewhere deep inside you or far away, your sleeping body stirred a little in response to it. That tiny bit of panic which just grabbed hold of you was born from the implications of the potential answer. Power is another byproduct of awareness, as is control. How much control could you have over yourself when your life might be a dream or one you are unaware of to leverage any real power? Worse yet, if you are not in control, who is, and how much power do they have over your life?
The answer to those questions carries significant consequences, and their exploration should not be undertaken lightly.
My journey toward active and lucid participation in my dreams began 30 years ago in my early teens. I was already involved in various metaphysical communities in Southern California, heavily leaning toward the UFO and alien-abductee experiencers. I was highly invested in eliciting astral and real-time projections and was relatively successful.
However, when I met the man who would become my spiritual Godfather, a Houngan or priest of Haitian Voudou and Ceremonial Magician, my training in the Art of Lucid Dreaming started. "The world is the marketplace, but heaven is home," he often told me. Then he would add, "But the dream is where you go to win or lose your fortune." He always drove home the importance of lucid dreaming with this, "life is dreaming and dreaming is life. What you do in one, you will eventually do in the other."
This is true. You will eventually dream about being at your current job. You will dream about your car and your friends. Vice versa, what you consistently dream of will ultimately occur, at least in part, in your waking world. Both living and dreaming feed into and are mutually exclusive of the other. My Godfather's belief that to be a powerful human being you must first be a strong dreamer was unshakable. Before he passed away in 2009, it was one of the last things he again imparted to me.
Here is an excerpt from notes I took from him circa 1998. Notice the mention of what we know of as CERN today.
"There exists a small cabal of very evil and powerful sorcerers. They have used their magic to gain control of the world's money, thereby, its political institutions. They are merging the arts of High Magic and High Science. They mean to cull our population. They desire to open up portals to other dimensions. They see us as slaves. They trade and sell our lives like we are livestock. Soon, they will trade and sell us into bondage with beings, not of this world.
Humanity is under a powerful spell, like zombies, unaware and with little power to resist. You must gain awareness inside the dream to fight them in waking life. There is a sensation of powerlessness inside the dream. You must be ever vigilant to this sensation. This is when you realize you are not in control and have lost your power. You must seize it, re-take control and re-establish yourself as the master of your destiny. Perform this in your dreams, and you begin to perform this feat in your waking life."
Believe my Godfather or not, he was genuinely concerned about the future of humanity. He was adamant that we answer full spectrum dominance with full spectrum resistance. The Art of Lucid Dreaming can only be practiced by warriors. This level of awareness requires full engagement and demands you marshall all your psychic forces to secure it. As you question the direction and happenings inside your dreams, you will start to question the direction and happenings of your life and, subsequentially, the world at large.
This is an uncomfortable and scary position to maintain. You are signaling that you are no longer willing to accept the explanations the media, academia, or politicians provide. You have started an initiatory sequence of events, an unstoppable countdown to detonating your personal evolutionary bomb. But know, your current worldview will not survive.
You have become the destroyer of worldviews.
Do not think you can declare war against all that would enslave you and see you as nothing but cattle and not face repercussions. There will be retribution. There will be consequences. But that is to be expected. This is a warrior's life, way, and path. My Godfather would say, "You live and dream with your eyes wide open." The war for awareness, or lack thereof, is everywhere.
So how do you remember to wake up inside your dream? This a valid question that brings you to the very threshold of the Art of Lucid Dreaming as practiced by a Dream Warrior. The idea of remembering must be implanted deep into your subconscious and/or conditioned into behavioral habituation.
My Godfather initiated me into this "idea of remembering" by shocking my conscious mind open long enough to force inception. While spending the weekend with him, he told me he had a good friend, a master lucid dreamer. I would meet his friend, who would help me become proficient in its practice. All weekend my Godfather mentioned his friend and how talented he was. Despite this, his friend never showed up. It was noon Sunday, and I thought I would never meet him. Then the phone rang. My Godfather answered, said a few words, and hung up. "He is ready to meet you, but I must blindfold you first." I nodded, and once blindfolded, he took my hand a led me out to the big shed in his backyard.
Upon entering, I could feel another person in the shed with us. My Godfather walked me forward and told me not to move. I heard the shed doors close behind me. Are you ready to meet my friend he asked me in a somewhat threatening tone? I nodded, now somewhat nervous and on edge. "Now, meet my friend!" My Godfather roared behind my head, rattling me, and ripped off the blindfold.
There before me, illuminated by candlelight, was a human skull right in front of my eyes. The skull had a lit cigar in its mouth and a top hat on its head. Surprised, I instinctively tried to take a step backward, but he pushed me forward closer to the skull. "You will never forget this moment! You will see my friend in all your dreams!"
My Godfather left a deep impression on me by doing this, and he was correct. I see his friend, now my friend, in nearly all my dreams. Every time I do, I remember to remember and become lucid. You will unlikely have a Voudou priest to initiate you into various metaphysical practices. Still, in consulting with "my friend," an effective conditioning method has been derived.
No Voudou priest?
No problem.
Here is how to impactfully begin lucid dreaming (this is a beginning method of my temple).
You more than likely have a phone, a phone you check and check often.
Many of you dream about your phones, as they are commonplace, and many of you get a little nervous if you can't find yours. Starting tomorrow, set the alarm on your phone every 60 minutes. Every time this alarm goes off, the message should ask, "Are you dreaming?" Ask yourself, are you dreaming?
Do this every day, and I can almost guarantee that within a week, you will remember the alarm or think about or see your phone and think, "Am I dreaming?" You will suddenly realize you are and become lucid...
Make this a habit, and you will cross the Art of Lucid Dreaming threshold.
Next time, I will discuss methods to maintain dream lucidity, how to develop a strong dream body for prolonged lucid dreaming, and specific goals you will want to achieve while lucid dreaming, which is essential to your progression as a Dream Warrior.
-Kevin Wikse
Thank you for visiting my blog post.
My name is Kevin Wikse. I am one of the world's most skilled Remote Viewers and Lucid Dreamers. I am also an initiate of various esoteric and secret societies encompassing mysteries primarily of European, Haitian/Afro-Caribbean, South, Mesoamerican, Indian, and Chinese origins.
I am the ONLY medium, remote viewer, and occultist to have, with frightening and stunning accuracy, predicted the COVID-19 Pandemic/Hoax as well as its connection to China. I predicted masks, weaponized and experimental vaccines, mandatory compliance/mandates, medical tracking on smartphones, the issues with the 2020 election, the crisis on the border, ILLEGAL migrant and CCP invasion, possible WW3, and the upcoming Magnetic Pole Reversal Global Cataclysm. I was warned of VAIDS (Vacciane Aquried Immunological Deficiency Syndrome) and Dr. Fauci BY NAME. And I did this ALL beginning in 2014! You can read a complete listing of ALL my evidence (time stamped and documented) HERE.
In addition, my occult and remote influencing work in the demise of Jeffery Epstein, a billionaire pedophile and human trafficker, is also time-stamped and documented. Behold and be witness to a TRUE and AUTHENTIC act of Solomonic conjuration out of the Lesser Key, Ars Goetia, HERE.
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