Focused Intention: Directing Energy and Awareness by Kevin Wikse
Awareness is to a firearm as energy is to ammunition. The Dream Warrior must possess and continuously train both. The Dream Warrior's awareness must be of tremendous caliber and capable of holding up in the most rigorous and punishing terrain, whether it is the psychic battleground of the Dream Warrior's inner world or the external hazards of the ever-increasingly dangerous physical world. Likewise, the Dream Warrior's energy must be readily accessible and in large, copious amounts. It is through the pairing of awareness and energy that the Dream Warrior has any hope of being anything less than a slave to his or her unknown and hidden masters.
Thereby, it is only through the continual coupling of awareness and energy and employing them in tandem to achieve the same goal that the Dream Warrior can eventually consider themselves a formidable stalker of the dream realm, the shadow world, the material plane, and most importantly, themselves. For now, keep that in mind. In a future post, I will detail the many different terrains of non-ordinary reality.
For now, the developing Dream Warrior must practice harnessing his or her awareness and energy, like a bullet in a rifle, and setting them to accomplish a shared task. Thankfully, the road on which the Dream Warrior walks is an exceptionally spartan path. The need for external tools is almost non-existent, save for a small cache of highly esoteric but unquestionably powerful talismanic items, which even then serve as nothing more than amplifiers and are essentially worthless (potentially dangerous) if the Dream Warrior is not sufficiently up to snuff by the time conversations on those are appropriate.
All the Dream Warrior requires for this training is a wall, a pencil, and something to sit on.
Sit in front of and face a wall, a foot away, give or take. With the pencil, mark a small circular dot on the wall about eye level, the size of a small button on a shirt. That's it. All the Dream Warrior must do now is sit and gently stare at the dot with laser focus.
This seemingly simple exercise will test the Dream Warrior's resolve in ways few things can, all while strengthening the Dream Warrior's ability to focus his or her energy and direct it with awareness. The Dream Warrior must also do everything in their power NOT to blink their eyes. This simple procedure is enough to derail and force would-be Dream Warriors back into mediocrity, a life without purpose, without mental, spiritual, and physical autonomy, imprisoned in ordinary reality.
The simplicity of the practice is insidiously deceiving. The Dream Warrior must focus their awareness and energy, as if through a sniper scope, on a mere dot on the wall and hold it steady without blinking for at least 10 minutes before they can say they have made progress.
The Dream Warrior's attention will inevitably wander at first. They will get frustrated. Their eyes will sting and flood with tears. The Dream Warrior will have no one else to blame for his or her inability to achieve this milestone other than themselves. If they are to persist, they will need to "stalk" themselves and discover what it is about them that they cannot perform this simple task. What are they lacking, and what maneuvers must they make to fulfill the requirements?
For the Dream Warrior who endures, a deep and profound sense of clarity of thought, sharpened focus, steely nerves, and stillness of mind and body will be the first of many rewards. The Dream Warrior will, over and practice, become a relaxed and quietly focused predator, like a jaguar, ready to pounce in the blink of an eye. This practice will be essential to develop other skills, such as "stopping the world" and "seizing power," as well as some that genuinely borders on the mystical, but those must be attained through dedicated practice.
This training is equivalent to time on the firing range. Many warrior cultures would have their archers sit and stare unblinking at a distant object to train their perceptive and cognitive functions and awaken latent extra-sensory abilities over time.
The Dream Warrior should keep his or her breath still, soft, and silent to the point that they cannot hear themselves breathe. This type of breathing quiets the mind, soothing the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). The PSNS regulates the body's automatic functions (like breathing and blinking), producing deep relaxation and stimulating extremely beneficial glandular secretions.
For Lucid Dreaming, the increased glandular secretions help make the Dream Warrior's dream vivid, colorful, and more meaningful. Combined with recapitulation, the Dream Warrior's chances for dream recognition, or becoming lucid in his or her dream, go up significantly. Also, the Dream Warrior's attention to detail will be increased, so little things like a strange image in a book or funny company name and or logo on a kitchen appliance, an odd manner of dressing, a car with six wheels, a cat with two tails, etc will trigger the question, "am I dreaming?"
The answer is YES!
-Kevin Wikse
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My name is Kevin Wikse. I am one of the world's most skilled Remote Viewers and Lucid Dreamers. I am also an initiate of various esoteric and secret societies encompassing mysteries primarily of European, Haitian/Afro-Caribbean, South, Mesoamerican, Indian, and Chinese origins.
I am the ONLY medium, remote viewer, and occultist to have, with frightening and stunning accuracy, predicted the COVID-19 Pandemic/Hoax as well as its connection to China. I predicted masks, weaponized and experimental vaccines, mandatory compliance/mandates, medical tracking on smartphones, the issues with the 2020 election, the crisis on the border, ILLEGAL migrant and CCP invasion, possible WW3, and the upcoming Magnetic Pole Reversal Global Cataclysm. I was warned of VAIDS (Vacciane Aquried Immunological Deficiency Syndrome) and Dr. Fauci BY NAME. And I did this ALL beginning in 2014! You can read a complete listing of ALL my evidence (time stamped and documented) HERE.
In addition, my occult and remote influencing work in the demise of Jeffery Epstein, a billionaire pedophile and human trafficker, is also time-stamped and documented. Behold and be witness to a TRUE and AUTHENTIC act of Solomonic conjuration out of the Lesser Key, Ars Goetia, HERE.
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